RoofTop & GroundMounted
Rooftop Solar Plant: Electricity produced from non renewable sources is becoming expensive day by day. This results into a supply and demand gap. The DG sets used to manage emergency electricity needs are causing a lot of damage to the environment. So now the time has come to shift our focus to some renewable energy source to fulfil our electricity needs. Rooftop solar plant model is the best choice according to customer’s choice while shifting to solar energy. This model can be used both for home and commercial uses. For this type of installation the roof should meet the structural specification required to mount the structure. We have installed and commissioned a cumulative capacity of 100MW SPV power plant. The numbers also include over 1050 Solar Home lighting Systems installation. In the on-sight segment we have worked clients such as ABB, B.H.E.L, CEL, Jakson Engineers Ltd(NTPC) and many more.